School Support.
The Trauma-Informed Multi-Tiered System of Support (TI-MTSS)
Trauma-informed school programs help students cope with challenging experiences, develop essential coping skills, and improve their mental and emotional well-being, leading to a reduction in problematic behaviors to reduce suspension and expulsions. We utilize a Trauma-Informed Multi-Tiered System of Support (TI-MTSS) framework, endorsed by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, to implement trauma-informed practices across three levels of intervention: universal, targeted, and intensive. These interventions are compatible yet distinct.
Our approach promotes age-appropriate social-emotional learning (SEL) student programs, provides Community Resiliency Model (CRM) training for educators and administrators, and enhances access to mental and behavioral health services. We partner with several schools, including Bassick High School, Central High School, and Warren Harding High School in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
LifeBridge collaborates with schools, healthcare providers, law enforcement agencies, and the public to prevent acts of violence and address the impacts of exposure to violence. This critical support is possible through funding from the United States Department of Justice and the Connecticut Department of Public Health.

Tier 1 - Universal Support.
We provide training for school personnel in the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) to understand the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma, and how to use biology to calm the body's stress response system.

Tier II - Targeted Support.
The evidence-based School-Connect curriculum provides a lesson-based approach to social emotional learning and is integrated into existing classes to support successful implementation, maximize reach, and minimize academic disruption.

Tier III - Intensive Support.
For students with higher needs, a licensed clinician is onsite to provide mental and behavioral health counseling. This level of support often promotes parent or caregiver involvement.